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"The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation.

You are not important because of how long you live,  you are important because of how effective you live".

Myles Munroe


Help people with mental ill-health gain the independence to live full and healthy lives. Community-based programs that support housing, social inclusion and holistic treatment are the future of mental health services in Australia. With your support, we can achieve a shared vision of recovery for people with mental ill-health.

We are currently looking for volunteers that can help us get this project moving!

If you can spare a few hours and have skills in business, finance, start ups, marketing, grant writing, community mental health, or you are just a passionate all rounder and want to get involved, please contact us for a chat, we would love to hear from you..


We can’t make this happen without you, if you have experienced or know someone that has experienced mental-ill health or are a passionate advocate for better mental health services,  then please donate. Your donations will go towards sourcing the land, engaging with architects to develop a sustainable building plan, building the recovery centre and promoting our services.


We have a number of possible partnership packages available with flexible and negotiable terms. These opportunities are based on the level of investment in our programs, media, products and services. Please contact us to discuss how you can support our cause and how your involvement will benefit you.


Helping people with mental ill-health live rich and independent lives.

The experience of mental ill-health can be isolating, dis-empowering and even life-threatening, but things don’t have to be that way. Recovery-oriented and holistic support services can help people with mental ill-health live independently and contribute to their communities in a meaningful way.


Join our mission to create innovative mental health services in Australia.

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